Monday, January 10, 2011

We All Want It, Not Everyone Gets It!

“Success is peace of mind which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best that you are capable of becoming.” ~John Wooden

Whether you are striving for success in your personal life or you are striving for success in your professional life....  We all want it!  However, not everyone gets it!  I know you are asking yourself, "Why and what do I need to do to ensure that I do get it?"  John Wooden created what is known as the "Pyramid to Success."  As one of the most successful coaches in history, he knew exactly what it took.  Not everyday was a win, but even those days were necessary to work through.  

I want to spend the next few entries carefully constructing the necessary steps to help you discover that there are actionable steps you must take each day on your journey of achievement. 

The base of this pyramid is important as it is the foundation.  Without these items on which to build, success will either not be attained or sadly, sustained!

One:  INDUSTRIOUSNESS ~ There is no substitute for work!  Worthwhile things come from hard work and careful planning.

Two:  FRIENDSHIP ~ Comes from mutual esteem, respect and devotion.  A sincere liking for all.

Three:  LOYALTY ~ To yourself and all those dependent upon you.  Keep your self-respect.

Four:  COOPERATION ~ With all levels of your co-workers.  Help others and see the other side.

Five:  ENTHUSIASM ~  Your heart MUST be in your work.  Stimulate others.

While these all seem basic and fairly easy to execute, be assured they take a very willing and eager person to see each of them through.  Think about what it is that you are doing in each of these areas.  Are you bringing the best you have or can you do better?  I know that these are items that need constant evaluation, but just be aware that they are the foundation to your Pyramid to Success!

To Your Future,


  1. Thanks for the visit/comment to my blog and for following. Your blog is very inspirational. I can always use inspiration, so I'm following you now. Nice to meet you!

  2. Sometimes basic concepts are the very root of failure. Love that post Heidi! I really think everyone can benefit from reading it!

  3. Thanks for dropping by my blog the other day and leaving me some comment love! Im glad you liked the pictures :) Your blog is filled with some wonderful inspirational posts!

  4. Thanks for your sweet comment on Bloggy Moms. I'm your newest follower. I love the design of this blog :-) Have a great day.

    Hip Chick's Guide to PMS, Pregnancy, and Babies

  5. Good Morning Heidi!! I love your blog:) And thanks again for following me!! Hope you have a day full of inspiration and success!!
